Hotels near Colosseum in Rome

The Colosseum is one of the most iconic structures in Rome and a popular attraction for tourists from all parts of the world. Here we help you find hotels close to the Colosseum. and 21 hotels within 10 minutes of walking distance to the venue.

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hotels near colosseum

When visiting the central parts of Rome, the Colosseum is hard to miss. This ancient amphitheater is the largest of its kind in the world and is almost 2000 (!) years old being completed in AD 80.

The Colosseum is located right to the east of the Roman Forum and when it comes to hotels in the area there is a lot to choose from in various ratings, styles and sizes. Choosing a hotel near Colosseum also means you will stay close to tourist attractions such as the Palatine Hill, Domus Aurea and as previously mentioned the Roman Forum.

Find the best hotels near Colosseum – use our map

Are you interested in finding the best hotels that are located near the famous Colosseum? In that case we recommend that you have a look at our interactive map on the top of the page. Displayed on the map are popular hotels in the area around Colosseum, and by clicking on one of the hotels you can learn the exact time and distance from each hotel to the amphitheater. You will also be presented with the best way to walk to get there.

If you want to compare several hotel options you can also use the list to the right where you find a compilation of hotels. Maybe you just want to see hotels of a certain rating, or with the closest proximity to the Colosseum? Filter the results according to your wishes to find the best possible hotel.

Around Colosseum you find 15 hotels within a ten minute walking distance. If you want to know the exact time it takes to walk from a specific hotel, click on it in the map at the top of the page.

Luxury hotels in the area

The area around the Colosseum only holds one five star hotel, and this is actually also the hotel that is located closest to the amphitheater. By choosing luxury hotel Hotel Palazzo Manfredi you will live only minutes away from the Colosseum and can enjoy a view of the impressive building from your hotel room. If you don’t mind lowering your standards just a little there are also a number of popular four star hotels in the area.

Travel on a budget – cheap hotels near Colosseum

The hotels surrounding the Colosseum come in all classes – from luxurious options to more affordable ones. To get away with a lower cost we recommend that you have a look at the hotels with two or three stars. This might not mean that your hotel room will be over the top, but it will probably mean that you have more money left in your pocket to experience everything that the Italian capital has to offer.

best hotels close to colosseum

How to maximize your vacation in Rome

If you want more help in finding the best place to stay in Rome while on vacation, have a look at our page Here you can find a detailed guide about where to stay in the Italian capital to get the most out of your vacation – follow the link below to learn more.

Hotels close to Colosseum
Walking time (min)
Price (USD)
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Hotel Palazzo Manfredi – Small Luxury Hotels of the World
5 min, 0.24 mi, 0.4 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Hotel Celio
6 min, 0.29 mi, 0.5 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Hotel Labelle
6 min, 0.32 mi, 0.5 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Hotel Centro Cavour Roma
7 min, 0.33 mi, 0.5 km
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Hotel rating
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Hotel Romano
7 min, 0.33 mi, 0.5 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
7 min, 0.33 mi, 0.5 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Hotel Paba
8 min, 0.36 mi, 0.6 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Hotel Rosetta
7 min, 0.36 mi, 0.6 km
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Hotel rating
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Hotel Ferraro
8 min, 0.36 mi, 0.6 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Hotel Forum
8 min, 0.37 mi, 0.6 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
FH55 Grand Hotel Palatino
8 min, 0.37 mi, 0.6 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
HS 311
8 min, 0.38 mi, 0.6 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Casa Santa Sofia
8 min, 0.38 mi, 0.6 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Mercure Roma Centro Colosseo
7 min, 0.38 mi, 0.6 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Hotel Lancelot
8 min, 0.38 mi, 0.6 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Duca d'Alba Hotel - Chateaux & Hotels Collection
9 min, 0.38 mi, 0.6 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Hotel Capo d´África – Colosseo
8 min, 0.39 mi, 0.6 km
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Appartamenti MarcoAurelio49
8 min, 0.4 mi, 0.7 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Nerva Boutique Hotel
9 min, 0.42 mi, 0.7 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Hotel Anfiteatro Flavio
9 min, 0.43 mi, 0.7 km
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The Inn At The Roman Forum
9 min, 0.44 mi, 0.7 km
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Monti Holiday House
10 min, 0.44 mi, 0.7 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Hotel Grifo
10 min, 0.47 mi, 0.8 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Hotel Antica Locanda
10 min, 0.48 mi, 0.8 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Monti Palace Hotel
10 min, 0.48 mi, 0.8 km
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Ostello Marello
10 min, 0.49 mi, 0.8 km
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Hotel rating
Hotel rating
MyTALE Creative Academy Hotel
11 min, 0.49 mi, 0.8 km
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Ostello Bello Roma Colosseo
10 min, 0.51 mi, 0.8 km
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See availability
Hotel rating
Hotel rating
Dharma Boutique Hotel & SPA
12 min, 0.53 mi, 0.8 km
From: ---
See availability
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